How to Make Your Home Feel More Luxurious and Spacious With Furniture Planning

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A luxurious and spacious home is something many of us aspire to have. However, when you live in a small space, it can seem impossible to make your home feel expansive and high-end. With some careful furniture planning though, you can transform even the tiniest apartment into a stylish, open oasis. Follow these tips to make your home feel more luxurious and spacious through strategic furniture arrangement.

Choose Multifunctional Pieces

Look for furniture that serves more than one purpose. Ottoman coffee tables with storage inside, beds with drawers underneath, and desks that fold up into the wall are all great options for small spaces. Multifunctional furniture takes up less overall floorspace, leaving you with more open areas.

Use Furniture That Makes the Room Appear Larger

Certain types of furniture optically expand the space around them. Clear acrylic or glass furniture lets you see through them, making rooms feel more open. Mirrored surfaces also give the illusion of a larger area. Light-colored furnishings tend to recede, whereas dark colors come forward. Use these tricks to make each room seem more sizable.

Keep Furniture Proportions In Mind

Oversized furniture can dwarf a small space. Measure the room and purchase pieces that fit the proportions. Lower profile, minimalist styles usually work best for creating a luxurious feel in petite homes. Make sure there is enough room for walking around each piece comfortably too.

Strategically Place Key Pieces

Carefully choose anchor pieces, like a sofa or bed, and put them in spots that maximize the feeling of openness. Floating shelves and wall-mounted lights also take up zero floorspace. Place furniture along the walls, leaving the middle open. The emptier the center area, the more expansive a room will seem.

Declutter Aggressively

A cluttered home invariably feels smaller and less luxurious. Be ruthless about getting rid of unused items and finding storage solutions for the rest. The less visual noise in a space, the more serene and spacious it will feel. This might mean paring down your possessions, but it's worth it.


With some smart furniture selections and an interior design strategy focused on opening up floor space, you can enjoy elegant, luxurious rooms regardless of square footage. Use these tips to get creative with your furniture placement and make even the smallest home feel grand.

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